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soul wound

Healing the 5 SOUL WOUNDS

1-2-1 healing Program

Soul wounds refer to emotional or psychological scars that influence your self-perception and how you view others. These wounds arise from trauma that impacts  profoundly, reaching deep into your very essence.

Often originating in childhood, these wounds can shape your behaviour, relationships, and self-image throughout your life. They can affect the way you perceive the world and your expectations of the world around  and how the rest of the world interreact with you as your thoughts and vibrations can be so up and down often confusing and sending out mixed messages to the universe and within relationships.  Especially as perhaps you don't really know or trust yourself or know what you want so then its hard for you to then manifest what you want in a constantly changing mind.  This can mean that you don't feel fulfilled, happy, suffer from low self-esteem, and a that life is just much harder than it should be.

In our healing sessions, we concentrate on the vibrations caused by each wound and introduce new vibrational frequencies. By employing healing methods such as trance healing, reiki, and sacred symbols, and by gaining insights and guidance, you will understand the core of your issues. You will also learn techniques to empower yourself and transform your life. Beginning with breathwork, journaling, meditation, inner child work, mudras, mantras, affirmations, EFT, and guidance from the connection with your higher self, you will forge a deeper relationship with your inner being. 

Learning various coping and healing methods will alter the course of your life.


Here are the five soul wounds: remember often the cause of these wounds can vary person to person and the degree of the feelings, but once we start to explore deeper into these 5 wounds we start a road of self discovery leading to great understanding ah ha moments and release of old patterns.

1. Rejection that can cause a feeling of being unwanted, disconnected, or excluded. People with a rejection wound often feel invisible or unworthy of love, fearing abandonment and preferring solitude. Feeling that they don't belong anywhere, feeling invisible or withdrawn.

2. Abandonment causing perhaps a deep fear of being left alone or feeling unsupported. Those with this wound may experience intense dependency in relationships and feel anxious when they sense a lack of commitment or presence from others. Also not really knowing who they are without other people.  They may also be overly dependent and clingy to people or suffer from addictions 

3. Humiliation causing a sense of being shamed or belittled maybe making them wanting to be smaller, agreeing with everyone and trying to make themself fit to please everyone else.  Not claiming or even knowing their true voice or being out there but not as their true self almost like they are an actor in life. This wound often means people deny any of their own needs, be in situations or people that make them feel even more ashamed or embarrassed and live fearing judgment or ridicule. Also unable to see their own light and your strengths.

4. Betrayal often called the Trust Wound as people may live with a lack of trust and fear of being deceived or let down and always expect this causing them maybe to hide away or to be in absolute control of everything doubting others never really fully trusting the intentions of others and unable to be a team player or in deep friendship connections as they may find it hard to reply or trust others or accept that anyone truly cares. 

5. Injustice this may cause repressed anger through the feelings of being treated unfairly or undervalued. This wound can create a sense of perfectionism and rigidity as people try to avoid making mistakes to gain others' respect and recognition. This may mean being over eager to please people or create a hard shell around so as not to let other near so that they cant judge. Can result in exhaustion of always trying to be or appear perfect and never really feeling good enough.

Moving through this program we address each individual wound resulting in healing and personal growth, as acknowledging these patterns allows you to see and address the root causes of your emotional pain and develop healthier behaviours and relationships.

Together we 

Acknowledge and Accept Your Feelings

Practice Self-Compassion

Challenge Negative Beliefs

Gradually Build Connection

Work on Inner Security

Build Healthy Boundaries

Communicate openly and honestly about your needs.
Trust in yourself first and foremost.

Challenge Self-Criticism

Accept Yourself Fully

Healthy Limits

Practice Self-Respect

Release the Need for Control

Rebuild Trust Slowly

Acknowledge Past Hurt

Practice Self-Acceptance

Allow Vulnerability

Set Realistic Expectations

Cultivate Compassion for Yourself and Others

Healing takes time and consistent effort, but with patience and self-love, and my help we can gradually overcome the impact of these soul wounds and create a healthier, more fulfilling life.

WHEN: ongoing (start at any time)

WHERE: online via Zoom

TIME AND DAY: to suit

MENTORING PROGRAM LENGTH: 6 x 2 hour sessions (valid over a 3 month period)

COST: £899 pounds


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